001package org.slf4j.spi;
003import org.slf4j.event.LoggingEvent;
006 * A logger capable of logging from org.slf4j.event.LoggingEvent implements this interface.
007 *
008 * <p>Please note that when the {@link #log(LoggingEvent)} method assumes that
009 * the event was filtered beforehand and no further filtering needs to occur by the method itself.
010 * <p>
011 *
012 * <p>Implementations of this interface <b>may</b> apply further filtering but they are not
013 * required to do so. In other words, {@link #log(LoggingEvent)} method is free to assume that
014 * the event was filtered beforehand and no further filtering needs to occur in the method itself.</p>
015 *
016 * See also https://jira.qos.ch/browse/SLF4J-575
017 *
018 * @author Ceki Gulcu
019 * @since 2.0.0
020 */
021public interface LoggingEventAware {
022    void log(LoggingEvent event);